About Us
We have pleasure in introducing ourselves as security providers. We undertake To unload you of the burden and worries connected with all security aspects of Your institution by effective & reliable security services through our trained personnel, who possess sound professional knowledge, in vigilance, patrolling, Gate contros searches. Investigation & prevention of crimes by plugging Loopholes & leave you free to devote the time & energy thus saved in the promotion of your enterprise.
Smartly turned out in MODREN dress, our staff Would immensely enhance the prestiga & chamn of your institution. We being Men of profession fully recognize the significance of, & malize the implication of a dependable security system & it is exactly that, we promiss you.
We at Pratham security guards & facility services (PSPS) grow with our Customer needs & maka them more competitive. We are all aware of the ever present & continually rising crime rate in our society. Therefore, the need of the competitive & for competent security service has never been greater than it is taday. The traditional law.
Enforcement agencies cannot meet the demands for the additional security that the private sector is requesting. The result is an ever-increasing need for More competsint qualified security companies. PSFS is an organization committed to supplying quality professional individuals For guard services, executive protection surveillance, industrial security, private investigation and event security. "We are totally committed to giving you a quality, first class, professional Services without compromise to you or your company.
To be most preferred service to the customers by providing best Quality Service at optimum cost.